Friday, November 15, 2019

Drupal 7 / Ubercart 7 - View Order History in My Account

Drupal core 7.67 / Ubercart 7.x-3.13

We want authenticated (i.e. logged in) Users to be able to view their order history.

By default, it is missing:

This seemed to be a simple permission adjustment exercise.  

The biggest challenge appeared to be to know where the permission resides.

Then look for the Permission entitled View own orders, and enable it for Authenticated users

Click on Save permissions:

Then orders appear on the My account page:

But, this being Drupal, it wasn't so simple!

While I was in the Permissions area, I noticed that there were only two roles installed:

  • Anonymous User
  • Authenticated User

This rather thin security context meant that the Administrator account that I was using to build my Drupal site was only privileged as an Authenticated User, which meant that any authenticated user had some Administrator-style privileges.

This is NO GOOD.

So I had to install and enable the Admin role module:

Assign the Adminstrator role to my Administration account

Remove all Administator-style permissions from Authenticated User profle.

Then, and only then, was I truly done.

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